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F S2814

Lemon-Lime Orange Moon Favia

Size:  1.75 inches

This Lemon-Lime Orange Moon Favia  is "WYSIWYG" - What you see is what you get - so this one is yours!  This is grown on our farm and is a Dr. Mac Stash coral. We have a wide variety of corals all grown in our facility.

"Brain" corals include many different similar corals such as Platygyra, Favia, Favites, Goniastrea, Pleiastrea and others. The generic name Brain Coral has been used for these corals because of their distinct appearance resembling a brain. 

All brain corals are easy to keep because they do best with low to moderate lighting and slower flow. They adapt well to a variety of conditions. 

I have seen them in many locations in the wild including Tahiti and the Solomon Islands. On these reefs they grow on rocks and several similar species are often found together. I've found them growing under the branches of Acropora or other branching corals in the dimmer light under the shade of the branches. Generally multiple types of brain corals fill in the gaps found under the branching corals. 

Brain corals include a rainbow of colors. For example, there are dozens of color varieties of Favias from Flaming red to glowing green.

Brain corals are beautiful and easy-to-keep corals that can be a part of your reef. 