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Coral Polyps for Sale

Discover the Beauty of Colorful Soft Coral Polyps

Whether you're a newbie venturing into the world of coral reef tanks or a seasoned aquarist, you'll adore the vibrant colors, exquisite beauty and hassle-free care that come with soft coral polyps from Pacific East Aquaculture. Our collection boasts an impressive array of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) soft coral reef polyps that provide a visual feast for your tank.

Soft coral polyps are colonial corals, and many are exceptionally resilient, making them an excellent choice for reef enthusiasts of all levels. Beginner soft corals won't demand intense reef lighting or strong water flow, and they can thrive and grow rapidly even under less-than-ideal conditions.

For intermediate and advanced hobbyists, the true allure of beginner soft corals lies in the dazzling spectrum of colors they exhibit. These stunning hues can truly enhance your aquascape, bringing to life that iconic tropical reef appearance within your aquarium. It's safe to say that soft coral reef polyps, regardless of your level of expertise, make an ideal addition to any tank.

So, whether you're taking your first dive into the mesmerizing world of coral reefs or a seasoned veteran looking to enrich your aquarium's aesthetic, our soft coral polyps are a perfect choice. Prepare to be amazed by their beauty, their ease of care and the joy they bring to your underwater oasis. Browse our entire selection of soft coral polyps for sale today.

Understanding Soft Coral Reef Polyps

Soft coral reef polyps possess distinct characteristics that set them apart in the mesmerizing realm of coral life. Unlike other coral groups, soft corals have fleshier bodies that seemingly lack a traditional skeletal framework.

The beauty of beginner soft corals lies in their versatility and adaptability, making them highly suitable for newcomers in the world of aquarium keeping. These corals are more forgiving when it comes to nutrient levels in the tank, tolerating higher nutrient systems with ease. They also don't require strict adherence to specific chemical parameters like calcium and alkalinity, often needed to care for other corals. Additionally, they'll thrive primarily on photosynthesis, but some (like larger mushrooms) may benefit from regular feedings of traditional live coral foods.

Explore the Different Types of Soft Coral Polyps for Sale In Our Stock

Want to learn more about the soft coral polyps for sale in our inventory? Check out some of our favorite regulars:

  • Mushrooms: At first glance, mushroom coral polyps may not appear to be the most thrilling addition, but don't be fooled! Hobbyists particularly favor species like Ricordea Florida and Ricordea Yuma. Mushroom coral polyps exhibit diverse textures, ranging from hairy and bumpy to smooth, and they come in a gorgeous palette of purples, blues, greens, oranges, yellows and reds.
  • Leathers: Known for their tough, leathery skin, leather soft corals are exceptionally resilient and highly recommended for beginners. They come in an astonishing variety of shapes and colors. One of the fascinating aspects of leather corals is their ability to change shape. They expand and deflate their bodies, extend their tentacles, and suddenly retract them, creating a captivating spectacle within the tank.
  • Zoanthids: Beloved by both novices and experts in the hobby, Zoanthid beginner soft corals are among the best soft corals to start with due to their easy care requirements. Zoanthid coral reef polyps boast an extraordinary range of color morph combinations. Their presence in your tank is sure to leave you in awe.
  • Palythoa: Closely related to Zoanthids, Palythoa beginner soft corals share similar characteristics but tend to be larger. Palythoa coral polyps are relatively fast-growing, forming a delightful mat-like effect that covers the surface with a profusion of tiny "flowers."

Frequently Asked Questions: Soft Coral Polyps

If you need more information or have questions about soft coral polyps, check out the answer to our most frequently asked questions below.

Do Leather Coral Polyps Release Toxins?

Yes. Leather coral polyps have a fascinating ability to produce and release toxins known as terpenoids through a remarkable process called allelopathy. These terpenoid toxins play a crucial role in the coral's defense mechanism. If you purchase leather coral reef polyps, be mindful of their placement with your other tank inhabitants.

What's the Difference Between Soft Corals & Hard Corals?

Hard corals, often called SPS (small polyp stony) corals, belong to the Scleractinia order and play a crucial role in forming coral reefs. They build large, solid skeletons made of calcium carbonate.

Soft corals, on the other hand, showcase their own unique characteristics. Soft corals don't form complete calcium carbonate skeletons, unlike their hard coral counterparts. Instead, they develop remarkably fleshy polyps that exhibit captivating shapes, sizes, colors and intricate patterns.

Do I Need to Quarantine Soft Coral Polyps Before Adding Them to My Tank?

Absolutely! Implementing a quarantine process for all livestock is of utmost importance when adding new members to your display tank. Regardless of the source or origin, any soft coral polyps introduced into your tank have the potential to carry pests that can wreak havoc on the existing inhabitants and even pose a threat to the overall health of your reef.

Shop Coral Polyps for Sale at Pacific East Aquaculture Today

Ready to bring a splash of color and effortless beauty to your coral reef tank? Look no further than Pacific East Aquaculture! With our stunning selection of soft coral reef polyps, you can transform your aquarium into a vibrant underwater paradise. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced aquarist, our WYSIWYG beginner soft corals are the perfect choice. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your tank. While you're here, check out our invert kits for more movement and diversity in your tank. Shop our full selection of coral polyps today.
